Blues Guitar Concept

    Blues Guitar Concept

    Blues Guitar Concept

    Here we have the other side of the coin. A lot of guitar students don’t really understand how much basic music theory (or diatonic theory) is really the foundation of all styles of popular music. Major and minor scales, and all of the basic chords, triads and seven chords, all come from the very old traditions of diatonic music that came out of Europe. And that music has a lot variation and complexity, using all sorts of key changes to create variety: from Blues Rock Guitar to Country, Bluegrass, and Jazz. But if that was the only thing you learned, you would be missing half of the equation for understanding contemporary styles of popular music. The other side of the equation is Blues Music.

    Blues don’t stick to a single key

    Blues still has some relation to traditional European music, which is based on diatonic theory, but it differs in some substantial ways.

    Blues music is modal- not only that, it is based on shifting modes. In the most standard forms of blues, say a twelve-bar blues, Blues music doesn’t stick to a single key, but shifts between different mixolydian mode guitar scales, one for each chord in the progression.

    If this is already starting to sound complicated, don’t worry, if you Subscribe and work your way through the course, you will have access to a detailed book and hours of video lessons that will walk you through everything.

    Blues Guitar concepts and influences

    But for now, let’s just say once again, that basic theory styled music on the one hand, and blues guitar music concepts on the other, are the two sides of most all styles of popular music. And whether you want to learn, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Folk, Country, Bluegrass or Reggae, you have to understand both systems of music theory, so that you can look at any piece of music and understand how it is working, and know which aspects of a song are based off of diatonic music (basic music theory) and which come from Blues concepts and influences. When you can do that, you will never be lost, you will never have trouble coming up with a part, or a cool scale (or a bunch of cool scales) to use for your soloing.

    What a great position to be in right? So why wait? Join Now and start learning!