
Welcome to my Guitar Blog! I will be posting articles here from time to time, to explain the different courses on the site, and also to deep dive on my thoughts on learning the guitar and on music in general. These articles will work alongside the books and videos and backing tracks available to you once you Subscribe to the site.

    Blues Guitar Concept

    Blues Guitar Concept

    Here we have the other side of the coin. A lot of guitar students don’t really understand how much basic music theory (or diatonic theory) is really the foundation of all styles of popular music. Major and minor scales, and all of the basic chords, triads and seven chords, all come from the very old traditions of diatonic music that came out of Europe. And that music has a lot variation and complexity, using all sorts of key changes to create variety. But if that was the only thing you learned, you would be missing half of the equation for understanding contemporary styles of popular music. The other side of the equation is Blues Music.

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      Counting Rhythms for Guitar – what does it mean?

      So why should you learn to play and count rhythms notated on a piece of music paper? Can’t you just rock out instead?

      Well, here’s the thing my friends… everyone’s ear has a limit. Everybody’s. Except maybe Prince or Mozart. But if you weren’t a world famous musician like they both were, by the time you were a teenager, then maybe keep reading.

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        Playing with Modes on Guitar

        All About the Modes

        I love playing with the different modes! It is so cool to think that these scales, that were so popular hundreds and hundreds of years ago, that fell out of favor in the classical period of European music, have made such a comeback in Jazz and Rock and Blues. And being able to add some modal flair to your playing is such a great skill to have. However, understanding Modes is quite a feat at first!

        If you are newer to guitar, or newer to learning your music concepts, (theory) then the modes are no doubt baffling as all get out. But don’t worry! Just read on….

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